School District South Milwaukee

Welcome to the Super User Portal for the Vistelar Training Program Developed Specifically for School District of South Milwaukee

You have received access to this portal because you are a super-user for School District of South Milwaukee. The goal of this team is to both learn the Vistelar program and work to develop an online course that is better suited to communicate and address the unique situations faced by and the needs of K-12 educators.

  • Kim Jenkins
  • Katie Eaton
  • Alex Garcia-Bankowski
  • Nick Anton
  • Jason Termaat
  • Bill Wesley
  • Tanya Fox
  • Leo Eckman

This training program will have the following elements:

More details will be provided about the live training sessions as we approach February.

If you want to check out the online on-demand course, expand the course progress bar below and click on the first unit. This online course will take about two hours to complete.

You need to be logged in to see your course progress.

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